The beginning of a music and math inquiry

A warning: this first post is not educational. I won’t fully explain the meaning of the things I’m saying. Understanding it all will require knowing a little music theory.

I’m interested in the relationship between the overtone series and common chord types in western music. A major chord actually appears in root position within the overtone series of the note two octaves below the chord’s root, while the minor chord is a little more mysterious.

Questions to investigate:

  • Can a minor chord be related back to a base note the same way?
  • If not, what is it closest to?
  • What overtone patterns are there between chords in common chord progressions?
  • What can these relationships tell us about the nature of harmony and dissonance?
  • Can we use the answers to any of these questions to help us compose music?

In addition to doing research online and asking knowledgeable people for guidance, I would like to investigate the math myself, using technology, and hopefully create some useful educational resources.

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