Harmony Inquiry Week 8

This week I updated my code so that it’s easier to use. Now one can refer to a specific note and get its frequency as easy as this:

User types code into a computer terminal, and it produces numbers. This makes it clear that B flat corresponds the same frequencies as C. In detail:

User types C, open parenthesis, 4, close parenthesis. Terminal outputs 261.6

User types B, open parenthesis, 3, close parenthesis. Terminal outputs 246.9

User types B, open parenthesis, sharp, comma, three, close parenthesis. Terminal outputs 261.1

And those numbers can be used as inputs to the visualizer, like this:

image = harmony_vis( nothing, B(flat, 4), D(5), F(5) );
save("B_flat_major.png", image)

image = harmony_vis( B(flat, 2), B(flat, 4), D(5), F(5) );
save("B_flat_major_over_B_flat_base_note.png", image)

That is also an example of how the function can be used to create those images of either three-note or four-note chords. If the first input is nothing (that’s a Julia object that represents nothing or no data, equivalent to Python’s None), then the visualizer will produce a two-rowed picture ( from the next three inputs. Otherwise, the first input will be used as the root note for a four-rowed picture. In either case, the three inputs after the first will be coloured red, green, and blue, respectively.

Here is a link to my Julia code.

Because this system made it clear what notes I was using, I realized some of the images from last week were using notes higher or lower than I had said, and many were labelled wrong in the gallery. I have since fixed those.

As well as four-note chords, I noticed this visualization scheme can be used to look at functional harmony, relating some three-note chord back to a “tonal center.” In the following gallery you can see how the main six diatonic chords in the key of C overlap with the harmonic series of C2. I have used inversions of the chords to keep them within a close pitch-range of one another. Also, I am assuming from prior work that, in a major key, what we hear as the tonal center is the note two octaves below the root of the I (one) chord. Conventionally because of the phenomenon of “octave equivalence,” we would just say that the tonal center is C. However, I am theorizing that the particular note is significant, that higher and lower ‘C’s are harmonically close to the tonal center, but distinct from it.

A nice thing about this collection is it shows all of the close-position inversions of major and minor chords. For next week I will keep looking for patterns in here, and focus on this functional harmony. Questions: Can this show us how a major key works? What about a minor key? What might this say about “borrowed chords?”

Also, I have noticed that this analysis can be easily generalized to notes outside the normal tuning (microtonal notes). So I will like to try using it to find nice-sounding microtonal harmonies, make a composition, and create some audio for that.

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